Wow! What a crazy busy week. I went to the fundraiser at Audi on Tuesday, Football and Fashion event on wednesday and a couple draft watching parties on thursday. I met a lot of wonderful people/potential sponsors! Thank you to TR Luxury for having me! :) Tonight the fun continues... my friends from Philly and DC are in town so I have to show them a good
Making flyers to give to my sponsors today :) Hoping they will drive traffic to
my website and facebook page. The more "likes" I receive, the more publicity
each of my sponsors will get when I feature them on my site! It is a win-win! :)
Can't wait to show you guys the final product!
Heading out to Princeton today to watch the America's Miss NJ/NY/PA pageant. I can't wait to see all of the girls in their fabulous gowns - I know I love mine!